Principal's Message—January 10, 2025
Ahoy, Mateys!
As we wrap up the first semester, it’s incredible to reflect on all we’ve accomplished so far this year. There is so much to celebrate from the first half of the school year, and we’re equally excited about the goals we’ve set for the months ahead.
Just a reminder, referencing the District email from Monday, future snow days will be virtual learning days operating on a two hour delay. Students will be expected to login between 11:10-11:20 for attendance and guidance on the day from homeroom teachers. Students will have a modified schedule for instruction and specials, with a schoolwide lunch/screen break from 1:10-1:40. More details and links will be provided by individual teachers. It is good practice to have your children show you their Google classrooms from home as a practice navigating to the site.
This time of year provides a wonderful opportunity to revisit and reinforce our RAMS Way expectations: being Respectful, Accountable, Motivated, and Safe. Your support at home in discussing and modeling these values plays a vital role in helping our students make positive choices and strengthen the connection between school and home.
In January, we’re putting a special spotlight on responsibility, our word of the month. We’re looking forward to recognizing students who exemplify this important trait with the “Monthly Buccaneer” award.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to support our students' growth and success!
Stay warm!
Paula Giran