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Car Rider Procedures

January 10 Update:

When dropping off your student, please pull up to the next available orange cone.  We would like 3 students to exit the vehicles at the same time and proceed to the crosswalk.  Unloading multiple cars at the same time will allow us to expedite the process and ensure everyone is in the building in a timely manner.  Please be sure your child has his/her backpack ready and exits the passenger side of the vehicle.  This will allow us to always have eyes on the students and guarantee everyone is safely crossing.  Thank you for your cooperation!


For this school year, we will be continuing our contactless car rider procedure.  This procedure is highly efficient and safe.  Each family was emailed a unique ID (one per student) via email on August 8 that should be displayed in your rearview mirror for staff to easily see for the first day only.  On the first day of school, a pink sign will be provided that lists your child’s name and unique ID number.  The unique ID will allow us to easily match your child to your vehicle and keep the car rider line moving quickly while still ensuring safety protocols.  If you do not have your car rider sign, please be prepared to show identification to those on duty.  

Each student will receive a car rider calendar every month.  Please note car rider, bus rider, or Stepping Stones for each day.  This calendar must remain in the front pocket of the green take-home folders (which will be distributed on the first day of school).

Please see the images below regarding the setup and traffic flow of car riders.

We will follow the same pattern that is used for Kindergarten AM dismissal time.  Please be patient as everyone gets back into this routine.  We will all become more efficient as we learn and improve it over the first few weeks back to school.

Car Riders K PM- 3:45 - 4:00 pm
Bus dismissal – 4:00 - 4:15 pm

Once the car rider line ends, we will block off the lane (shown below in orange) to begin bus dismissal at 4:00 pm.  Cars that arrive once students begin boarding buses and the lane is blocked off should park in the back row and walk to the entrance of the building to wait for their child.

Additional notes about car riders and early dismissals for 2024 - 2025:

  • If you have an early dismissal, please log it in the Community Web Portal for Sapphire and email the classroom teacher.
  • If your child was tardy or absent, please log it in the Community Web portal for Sapphire.
  • If you have an upcoming trip and need to fill out the travel form, please complete the documentation in the Community Web Portal for Sapphire and inform your child’s teacher.
  • If your child is a car rider at dismissal, please fill in your child’s monthly calendar and keep the teacher informed of any changes.

Our final early dismissal through the office will be at 3:20 pm. All other students will be picked up in the car rider line. 

If you are ever in need of a new pink sheet for afternoon dismissal with your child’s number and name, please email the front office ( and/or