Committee Chair Resources & Chair/Teacher Forms
Committee Chair Resources
Thank you for volunteering to chair a committee for the Hance Elementary PTO! The PTO Board wants to make things easier for you by providing the following information but always feel free to contact the primary PTO Board contact for your committee with questions at any time.
Submit to by 8:00 am Wednesday of the week you wish to have something considered for publication.
Facility Use Request
If your committee requires PRSD facilities, a facility request must be submitted to the District office as soon as possible to reserve the desired space at PRSD Facilities.
Committee Planning—Supplies/Entertainment
One to two months prior to the committee, a review of what the committee entails should be undertaken. If supplies or entertainment is required, these should be ordered/contracted for at this time within the budget guidelines.
Committee Planning—Volunteers
If volunteers are needed for the committee, a request for these volunteers should be submitted to the Friday Flash at The request should include the date, beginning and ending times for the volunteering opportunity as well as how many volunteers are needed. The exact date that you send this request will be determined by the Flash schedule. At least one week should be given for the responses to come in.
A request may also be put to the Friday Flash for the volunteer responses to be accumulated using a Google Form. This data can be downloaded as a complete list thereby eliminating the need for the chair to compile the data from multiple email responses.
Committee Planning—Cash Advance
If the committee requires the use of a cash register, a request for petty cash for the opening cash drawer should be made two weeks prior to the event. This request should be submitted to the PTO Treasurer by placing it in the PTO mailbox or emailing it to the email address found on the form. The request should indicate the denomination and quantity of bills and coins needed. If the submission is placed in the PTO mailbox, a follow-up notification via email to the Treasurer should occur. The Treasurer will contact the chair following receipt of the request and arrange a time and place to provide the funds. The request should be done using the Hance Cash Request Form.
Expense Reimbursement
If the committee chair or volunteers incur expenses, the PTO Committee Reimbursement Form should be completed and submitted to the PTO Treasurer for reimbursement within a week following conclusion of the committee. The Treasurer should be notified via email or call that a submission has been made. All expenditures should follow the budgetary guidelines set in the relative committee budget.
Committee Receipts
In the event that monies are received as a result of the committee, these receipts should be submitted to the PTO Treasurer using the PTO Committee Deposit Form with Hance Check Listing Record within a week of conclusion of the committee. All checks are to be made payable to "Hance PTO" and all monies are to be for deposit to the Hance PTO account. When several checks are received, a spreadsheet detailing check number and amount must also be submitted along with the deposit form. Arrangements for transfer of the funds should be coordinated with the PTO Treasurer.
Project Updates
Throughout the entire planning process, periodic status reports should be provided to the committee’s PTO Board contact. The Board member will be responsible for looping in the administration when needed and informing them of final arrangements.